Melanie Beth Curran Melanie Beth Curran

Sign up for Melanie's Seasonal Newsletter, Western Female

In a time of great social media overload, I've opted out of most platforms. I have however, found a love for the email, which is slow and personal in its arrival to an inbox. To better inform those who are interested in my whereabouts and appreciations, I have started a Newsletter called Motel Slang

In a time of great social media overload, I've opted out of most platforms. I have however, found a love for the email, which is slow and personal in its arrival to an inbox. To better inform those who are interested in my whereabouts and appreciations, I have started a Newsletter called Western Female

The newsletter focuses on musical bacchanal, American Dreams, and life updates. I will include reading recommendations and links to the best of the best of lousy youtube videos. Motel Slang is a little potpourri of words and ideas for you to smell at your leisure, once a season. Please sign up if it suits you!

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