“… her work is new Hollywood cinema, Italian realism, and French new wave on a country record. She’s Vargas, Fellini, Lou Reed, Cindy Sherman, and Hank Williams all at once. In the future, genre, cynicism, strictures of the patriarchy, can not hold down the Western Female.” - American Standard Time
Melanie Beth Curran - Taxidermy (American Standard Time)
Melanie Beth Curran - Rough to Ride (American Standard Time)
Buy This Record : Lost Love Tapes (American Standard Time)
The Triumph of Western Female, Profile Feature (American Standard Time)
Melanie Curran Hopes to Give Back at Folklife (The Kitsap Sun)
Honky Tonk Tunes Written from a Bainbridge Bedroom (The Bainbridge Review)
Islander Puts Tidbits of Local Life into Songs (The Kitsap Sun)