Hot Sauce in Kitsap County

Available on Bandcamp or Spotify

Musical Album (Self Released)

Seattle, Washington, September 2016


“On Hot Sauce she rambles through barrelhouse, banjo tunes, old time music, honky tonk and country while reminiscing oddities like park & rides, a topsoil vendor, entire rural counties. Hearing the album well after it came out, I howled with enthusiasm, and wondered how I’d missed it before. It’s got lo-fi grit, and artistic attention to detail that solidified into a patina on it’s perfect form. This was art by someone smart enough to get out of their own way and let it happen.” -Sean Jewell, American Standard Time

“… a warped travelogue/time capsule of Curran's experiences, starting just across the Agate Pass Bridge from her Bainbridge Home ("RIP 305 Park and Ride") and ending in Seattle with a haunting brace of songs — one about life on Capitol Hill ("Capitol Hill Is Hell") and the other a spoken-word, personalized "History of Seattle," contrasting neighborhoods of two decades ago to a present of "skyscrapers and highrises you don't even remember."“ -Michael Moore, Kitsap Sun


Melanie Curran: Words, Vocals, Banjo, Guitar & Piano
Dave Bolt: Fiddle, Mandolin, Stand-up Bass, Snare & Electric Guitar
Jon Pontrello: Pump Organ, Snare & Lead Guitar
Heather Littlefield, Backing Vocals, Lyrics on #6, Guitar & Drum

Juliette Wallace: Album Photography
Melanie Curran: Album Art

Recorded in tape, recording studio and microphone attached to computer in Kitsap, King and Jefferson Counties respectively.


Press Links:

Kitsap Sun Article

Bainbridge Review Article